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Every eukaryotic cell in a persons body has one or many thousand cellular power plants called the mitochondrion. These mitochondria are responsible for providing most of the required ENERGY (in the form of ATP) for cells. ATP is the chemical responsible for energy release within cells that drives a multitude of cellular and physiological functions including those directly related to injury repair and pain relief.

When a cell is damaged through injury or trauma, the mitochondrion, figuratively speaking, curls up like a hedgehog. Once this happens, the production of ATP is drastically reduced, or even ceased. As a result, the rate of healing slows dramatically.

Cells exposed to red and infrared light therapy at the right frequency, causes the mitochondrion to spring into action almost immediately producing increased amounts of ADP. The ADP then links with free oxygen singlets to produce ATP. Again, infra-red light increases the production of ATP in damaged or resting mitochondria.

This is the basis for why you feel tingling when using the light on an injury, The pain starts the decrease and why you start to heal immediately. Speed heal your injuries with red light therapy!